Dress Baby Pattern

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Baby Dress Crochet Pattern: Across generations, the art of crochet has been cherished and passed down. Among the cherished patterns for little ones taking their first steps is the enchanting crochet dress pattern. By following this guide, you can transform your adorable babies into tiny princesses. Discover the steps to create a beautiful and intricately crafted crochet dress.

This pattern not only allows you to fashion a dress that is delicate and lovely, but also enhances the charm of your precious little ones. The baby dress pattern is one of the most sought-after crochet projects, and this particular design truly stands out.

These dress styles are ideal for various occasions, ranging from parties and birthdays to weddings. With the right pattern, you can craft a stunning dress for your baby. While there are numerous patterns available, not all of them are suitable for a baby dress. It’s crucial to consider your baby’s size before diving into the design process. Keeping this tip in mind ensures you select the right size, preventing the need to dismantle the dress once it’s completed.

To initiate your dress project, simply select a crochet hook; the choice depends on your preference. Consider the weight and thickness of the yarn you plan to use, as the appropriate needle size varies accordingly. Check the yarn you have at home to match the needle size.


Gather two thread colors: one for highlighting and one as the main thread.
You’ll need a U.S. G/6 (4 mm) crochet hook or the right size to achieve the correct gauge.
Additionally, keep a U.S. 19 (15 mm) knitting needle nearby.


Sizes based on chest measurements:

6 hands: 17″ [43 cm]
12 hands: 18″ [45.5 cm]
18 hands: 19″ [48.5 cm]
Finished chest measurements:

6 hands: 19″ [48.5 cm]
12 hands: 20″ [51 cm]
18 hands: 21″ [53.5 cm]


Ensure correct gauge with the following:

16 single crochet (sc) stitches and 19 rows = 4″ [10 cm].
20 double crochet (dc) stitches and 8 rows = 4″ [10 cm] in BodyPat pattern.

size guide

size guide



  • Each row starts with a chain of 3, counting as a double crochet (dc).
  • When changing colors, finish the stitch until the last 2 loops remain on the hook. Then, draw the new color through the last 2 loops and continue in the new color.
  • Work the dress seamlessly from the neck edge downwards.
  • Create a buttonhole opening at the center back. Join the Body in a round.
Dress Baby Pattern by yarnspirations

Dress Baby Pattern by yarnspirations

Crocheting a baby dress is not just a creative endeavor; it’s a heartfelt gift for your little one. This process allows you to infuse every stitch with love and care, resulting in a unique and cherished garment.

Regardless of your crochet experience, following the pattern, paying attention to details, and choosing soft, baby-friendly materials will enable you to craft an adorable and comfortable baby dress, making it as charming as it is cozy.

Did you like this pattern and want to see the PDF about it? See the tutorial made by yarnspirations.com.


The My Crafts Inspirations team would like to thank each reader for following us this far, we wish you much success with this wonderful pattern and we hope to help you with our next crochet suggestion. To the next!

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