Midnight Walk Square Pattern

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Midnight Walk Square: Embarking on a new project often begins with the charm of crochet squares, an integral part of a crochet artist’s daily creative journey. Seeking perpetual innovation, these artisans delve into the artistry of patterns. Within this article, we delve into the timeless grace of the Midnight Walk Square, offering delightful suggestions for incorporating this design into your endeavors.

These exquisite and dainty crochet squares provide the perfect canvas to infuse elegance into your creations. They serve as the ideal foundation for those seeking to imbue their pieces with sophistication. The versatility of this pattern knows no bounds; coupled with a harmonious selection of colors, it transforms into a masterpiece of crochet craftsmanship.

Crafting your own Midnight Walk Square proves to be an enjoyable and fulfilling endeavor, showcasing your ingenuity and expertise. Crochet offers a myriad of possibilities, allowing you to experiment with various threads, yarn hues, and needle sizes, each yielding a unique outcome.

To crochet the Midnight Walk Square, gather the following essentials:

Yarn: Opt for a yarn that aligns with your project’s desired weight and delicacy. Lighter, finer yarns work well for creating delicate pieces, providing an ethereal touch.
Hook: 3,5mm
Tapestry Needle: Essential for neatly weaving in loose thread ends, a tapestry needle facilitates a polished finish to your crochet work.
Scissors: Keep a pair of scissors within reach, serving the practical purpose of cutting the thread as needed, enabling smooth progress in your crochet venture.

Abbreviations (US)

ch – chain
sl st – slip stitch
sc – single crochet
hdc – half double crochet
fphdc – front post half double crochet
dc – double crochet
ch sp – chain space
sk 2st – skip two stitches

Pattern Instructions:

Row 1: Chain 5, slip stitch in the first stitch to form a circle.
Chain 3, work 3 double crochet stitches around the circle. (Chain 3, work 4 double crochet stitches around the circle) Repeat this step three times.
End with a slip stitch in the third chain of the initial chain-3.

Midnight Walk Square Pattern

Row 1

Row 2: Turn the work – this row is crocheted from the wrong side.
Slip stitch around the chain space, chain 2, work 1 half double crochet around the same chain space, chain 2, work 2 half double crochet around the same chain space.
Work 4 front post half double crochet stitches. (2 half double crochet stitches + chain 2 + 2 half double crochet stitches around the next chain space) Repeat this step three times.
End with a slip stitch in the second chain of the initial chain-2.

Midnight Walk Square Pattern

Row 2

Row 3: Slip stitch in the next stitch (refer to the first picture below, taken from the right side, to locate the stitch). Turn the work to the right side.
Chain 1, work 1 single crochet in the same stitch, (chain 4, skip 2 stitches, work 1 single crochet in the next stitch) Repeat this step twice.
(Chain 4, work 1 single crochet around the chain space, chain 4, work 1 single crochet in the next stitch, chain 4, skip 2 stitches) Repeat from * three times.
Work 1 single crochet in the next stitch, chain 4, work 1 single crochet around the chain space, chain 4.
End with a slip stitch in the first single crochet of the row.

Midnight Walk Square Pattern

Row 3

Row 4: Slip stitch around the chain space, chain 1, work 2 single crochet around the same slip space. (Chain 2, work 2 single crochet around the next chain space) Repeat this step twice.
(Chain 3, work 2 single crochet around the next slip space, chain 2) Repeat from * three times. Work 2 single crochet around the next chain space.
Chain 3, work 2 single crochet around the next chain space, chain 2.
End with a slip stitch in the first single crochet of the row.

Midnight Walk Square Pattern

Row 4

Row 5: Chain 3, work 1 double crochet. (Work 1 double crochet around the next chain space, work 2 double crochet) Repeat this step twice.
Around the corner: 2 double crochet, chain 3, 2 double crochet. Work 2 double crochet. (Work 1 double crochet around the next chain space, work 2 double crochet) Repeat from * three times.
2 double crochet, chain 3, 2 double crochet around the next corner. Work 2 double crochet, work 1 double crochet around the next chain space.
End with a slip stitch in the third chain of the initial chain-3.

Midnight Walk Square Pattern

Row 5

Row 6: Turn the work – crochet this row from the wrong side.
Chain 2, work 5 front post half double crochet stitches. (Work 2 half double crochet, chain 2, work 2 half double crochet around the next corner, work 15 front post half double crochet stitches) Repeat from * three times.
Work 2 half double crochet, chain 2, work 2 half double crochet around the next corner, work 9 front post half double crochet stitches.
End with a slip stitch in the second chain of the initial chain-2.

Midnight Walk Square Pattern

Row 6

For those who prefer PDF tutorials, we’ve got you covered. The Tutorial was created by Pysselofix.

Access the PDF/ Midnight walk square

The My Crafts Inspirations blog thanks each reader who dedicated a little of their time to learn this beautiful pattern. I wish you all a great week and see you on the next crochet pattern, see you next time!crochet square

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