Row 2
Row 3: Slip stitch in the next stitch (refer to the first picture below, taken from the right side, to locate the stitch). Turn the work to the right side.
Chain 1, work 1 single crochet in the same stitch, (chain 4, skip 2 stitches, work 1 single crochet in the next stitch) Repeat this step twice.
(Chain 4, work 1 single crochet around the chain space, chain 4, work 1 single crochet in the next stitch, chain 4, skip 2 stitches) Repeat from * three times.
Work 1 single crochet in the next stitch, chain 4, work 1 single crochet around the chain space, chain 4.
End with a slip stitch in the first single crochet of the row.

Row 3
Row 4: Slip stitch around the chain space, chain 1, work 2 single crochet around the same slip space. (Chain 2, work 2 single crochet around the next chain space) Repeat this step twice.
(Chain 3, work 2 single crochet around the next slip space, chain 2) Repeat from * three times. Work 2 single crochet around the next chain space.
Chain 3, work 2 single crochet around the next chain space, chain 2.
End with a slip stitch in the first single crochet of the row.

Row 4
Row 5: Chain 3, work 1 double crochet. (Work 1 double crochet around the next chain space, work 2 double crochet) Repeat this step twice.
Around the corner: 2 double crochet, chain 3, 2 double crochet. Work 2 double crochet. (Work 1 double crochet around the next chain space, work 2 double crochet) Repeat from * three times.
2 double crochet, chain 3, 2 double crochet around the next corner. Work 2 double crochet, work 1 double crochet around the next chain space.
End with a slip stitch in the third chain of the initial chain-3.

Row 5
Row 6: Turn the work – crochet this row from the wrong side.
Chain 2, work 5 front post half double crochet stitches. (Work 2 half double crochet, chain 2, work 2 half double crochet around the next corner, work 15 front post half double crochet stitches) Repeat from * three times.
Work 2 half double crochet, chain 2, work 2 half double crochet around the next corner, work 9 front post half double crochet stitches.
End with a slip stitch in the second chain of the initial chain-2.