Yarn over again and insert the hook into the stitch from the previous row.
You will have five loops on your hook. Pull through all loops at once.
Repeat this process across the row.
At the end, make one treble crochet.
Row 4:
Chain 1 and turn your work.
Make one single crochet in each stitch across (14 single crochets).
Rows 5 and 6:
Continue making one single crochet in each stitch across (you should complete a total of 3 rows of single crochet).
Row 7:
Chain 3 to start.
Repeat the previous wave stitch pattern.
Repeating the Pattern
The Wavy Crochet Pattern repeats every 4 rows.
After completing 3 rows of single crochet, restart the wavy pattern.
This pattern is reversible, so you can choose either side as the front.
![Wavy Crochet Pattern FreeTutorial]()
Wavy Crochet Pattern FreeTutorial
Why You’ll Love This Pattern
- Elegant Texture: The raised waves create a stunning, sophisticated look.
- Versatile Use: Perfect for making blankets, scarves, sweaters, and more.
- Beginner-Friendly: Once you get the hang of the repeats, this pattern is easy to follow.
- Reversible Design: No need to worry about the front or back—both sides look great!
This stitch is great for blankets, winter cardigans, bags, and many other projects. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced crocheter, the Wavy Crochet Pattern is a must-try technique.
Crocheting the Wavy Pattern is both relaxing and rewarding. You can experiment with different yarn colors and weights to achieve a unique look. This tutorial provides the foundation for mastering this beautiful stitch, and with practice, you can incorporate it into a variety of crochet projects.
Video Tutorial:
Give this pattern a try and let us know what you create! Happy Crocheting!
Stay inspired with more crochet tutorials on My Craft Inspirations.